Dive into Yoga
with Christine Martitz
Christine Martitz has practiced yoga for over thirty years and has provided teaching throughout Europe, Asia, South and North America. Practice yoga in the comfort of your own home with her motivational Dive into Yoga DVD.

with Christine Martitz
The Dive into Yoga DVD provides instruction for all levels of Yoga practitioners and specializes in specific breathing exercises (pranayama), yoga postures (asanas), relaxation (savasana), and meditation with Sanskrit references. Includes multilingual instruction in English and German.
Dive into Yoga Apps
Dive Into Yoga Apple iTunes App

Christine Martitz, an international yoga expert and teacher, has now made it possible for you to share her secrets learned after her many decades of practice of yoga.
Immerse yourself in the mystical world of this practice with this high-quality app featuring Christine demonstrating 26 postures.
In each asana, she shows the viewer how to properly get in and out of a pose without strain. Take a private yoga class with Christine every day!​

About Christine Martitz
Christine was introduced to yoga at a very early age. She has been practicing yoga for over 30 years. As a certified instructor, she has taught yoga throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America. She currently teaches yoga in New York City, where she resides, conducting classes for all levels and ages in English, German and Spanish.

How to Get Gorgeous Legs
Get off the treadmill — yoga delivers faster results. "If you practice two to three times a week, you'll automatically develop leaner leg muscles in just a few weeks," promises New York-based yoga instructor Christine Martitz. Ask your yoga class instructor to incorporate a few of her favorite leg-toning poses . . .
Dr. Anja Krause, Germany/USA
“I have just watched Dive Into Yoga again (this time in German) which is such a wonderful and exceptionally well done yoga DVD! I love the way Christine not only takes the practitioner through a whole class but also allows me to do certain segments which I select if I don't have time to do everything."
J. Dudderar, New York, USA
"I take classes with Christine and use this video to practice on my own. While some poses are designed for more advanced students, she guides a beginner, like me, to adjust to a range of ability levels. Christine's approach is completely accessible and her gentle guidance is highly motivating."
Monika und Heinz Schäfer, Cologne, Germany
“Liebe Frau Martitz: Unsere Begegnung im Jahre 2002 hat doch einiges in uns bewirkt. Wir sind fleißige Yoga-Fans geworden und ohne Yoga läuft nichts mehr. Es ist schön Sie immer mal wieder auf DVD zu bewundern. Das motiviert ungemein.”