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Dive into Yoga Apps

Dive Into Yoga Apple iTunes App

Christine Martitz, an international yoga expert and teacher, has now made it possible for you to share her secrets learned after her many decades of practice of yoga. 

Immerse yourself in the mystical world of this practice with this high-quality app featuring Christine demonstrating 26 postures.


In each asana, she shows the viewer how to properly get in and out of a pose without strain. Take a private yoga class with Christine every day!​

GoView360 Apps

GoView360 VR App


Take a yoga class-on-the-go with Christine Martitz, a yoga practioner and instructor of 30+ years. Check out her APP, now available on the GoView360 platform for Androids, iPhones, iPads and iPodTouch.


Sneak Preview

Yoga Studio 360° King Pigeon Pose Variations
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